If you plan on having an active and content life, you must have a body that is physically fit. Physical fitness is necessary for keeping your muscles strong and enhancing your mood. It is critical in maintaining perfect posture and a healthy weight, and it plays an essential role in improving your appearance overall.
If you are one, who struggles with problems that affect your ankles and knees with pain that is usually caused by some type of injury to your joints, muscles, nerves, bones, etc., that will restrict the extent of motion to a large area. Conditions of the musculoskeletal system like your ankles and knees that cause pain can be caused by an injury to your ligaments and tendons and can cause horrible pain and lots of discomforts, thus creating some obstacles for your ability to be able to function the right way.
It is no denial to most that your ankles and knees that are holding the weight of your whole body making it even more vital for you to stay physically fit. If you have discomfort and pain in your ankles and knees, it can be due to falls, fractures, sprains, and dislocations, etc., and therefore, it is much better to take extra care to stay away from those problems.
Knee Pain Explained
If you are talking mostly about the chronic and constant knee pain, you will need to try to find out what the underlying cause is and treat it. If it is just a pain that lasts temporary pain, then you can talk to a doctor and take some medicine they prescribe you.
If it is temporary knee pain, it can be caused by an infection or maybe an injury so it too can be treated easily. But, the reasoning behind a constant, chronic knee pain can be inflammation or injury, so you need to have proper treatment for this knee pain.
If you need some clarification, then think of it like this; sudden knee pain is usually caused by a knee dislocation or a tendon rupture. It can be caused by other means like injuries and sprained ligaments. Chronic knee pain is generally caused by some type of infection separate from the different kinds of arthritis.
The more common types of knee pain are anterior knee pain, lateral knee pain, and medial knee pain.
Now Let’s Take A Look At Ankle Pain
If you are talking about ankle pain specifically, it’s more like discomfort, a sensation, and a pain in your ankle. Ankle pain is mostly caused by one of two significant causes which include some medical issues like injuries and arthritis that are caused by odd reasons like fractures and falls.
According to the experts, an ankle sprain will remain one of the leading causes of a person’s ankle pain. It is felt that 80% of all ankle pain that is suffered by people of all ages is usually caused because of an ankle sprain.
The sprain of an ankle is usually caused when the tissue that is accountable for holding the bones together get overextended. You will learn that the most common form of an ankle sprain is the lateral sprain that happens when the outside ankle is twisted around facing the ground.
When this happens, the ligaments get stretched and overextended beyond the point that creates enormous discomfort and pain. Once you have injured your ankle, you will face the pain and some discomfort for at least a week. If it is only a mild ankle injury, then it might take up to two weeks for healing. If you have a more severe problem, then it may be months before you can recover from your foot injury.
The hard part is, you won’t be able to live with the pain for months, you must find another way to deal with the issue. Separate from surgical treatments and taking medications to heal the ankle, you can be treated with physical therapy so you can return to normal more quickly.
Life starts to be depressing when you are feeling discomfort and pain all the time, so finding another alternative makes good sense. You cannot always depend on drugs to control your pain because they can have some harmful side effects to your body that you may not be aware of until the damage is done.
Physical therapy can guide you down the road toward recovery.
At Emergency Care in Temple today you will find we have Physical therapists that have been specially trained and have a vast amount of knowledge on how to deal with the different body pains you are having inclusive of your ankle and knee pains that are caused by inflammation and injury.
Once you begin working with the skilled therapist, they will review your current physical fitness, then your medical history, then they are better able to evaluate your knee problems better. Once this is completed, they can determine a great treatment plan that will meet your goals. At 24/7 Emergency Care in Temple, TX our therapists feel evidence-based medicine is the best way to provide real effective treatment to our patients.
They will use all different kinds of manual therapies and physical exercises that will be included in each treatment plan, all depending on each person’s requirements. To recover from your issue, all you need to do is follow the treatment plan as you have been instructed.
To recover from ankle and knee pain, your therapist will give you exercises that will help you strengthen your ankles, knees, and butts. The therapist will tell you to stretch your muscles that will help your ankles and knees.
There will also be aerobic exercises like running, walking, and cycling, etc., that will help you progress with your condition and maintain your weight while healing. Here at Comprehensive Urgent Care, you are our number one patient that we want to help get well quickly.