What is RSV?
RSV is a viral respiratory infection that primarily affects infants and children. RSV is also one of the causes of bronchiolitis, a lung infection that inflames the airways in the lungs. RSV can lead to serious complications, so it’s important to know the symptoms.
RSV is contagious, so you should keep your baby away from other people susceptible to RSV if they show symptoms of an infection. The virus spreads when you come in contact with nasal or throat secretions from an infected person or contaminated surfaces or touching your nose before washing your hands.
How To Know if Your Child Has RSV?
The RSV symptoms in babies are very similar to the symptoms of a cold. However, RSV can cause more severe respiratory problems, such as bronchiolitis and pneumonia. The most common symptoms of RSV in babies include the following:
- Fever
- Coughing
- Sneezing
- Runny nose
- Decreased appetite
- Irritability
- Wheezing or difficulty breathing
If your baby has these symptoms, visit an emergency room in Temple as soon as possible. They can determine if your baby has RSV and provide the appropriate treatment.
What are the Risk Factors?
Premature babies, babies with low birth weight, or babies born with a heart or lung defect are at higher risk for RSV. Babies who have family members that have RSV are also at greater risk and should be monitored because they can pass it on to other members of their family even if they show no symptoms.
Other people at risk of RSV include those with weak immune systems or lung disease, such as people with asthma or COPD who are taking corticosteroids (cortisone).
In addition to the complications related to RSV itself (such as pneumonia), you may also experience other symptoms if you get infected by the virus:
- Coughing up blood-tinged mucus
- Fever >100°F (37°C)
- Chest pain/tightness
When to Visit the ER?
Contact your doctor Immediately if your child has trouble breathing, has blue lips or fingernails, or has seizures.
If your baby has had an RSV infection for more than 48 hours or gets worse after being vaccinated against it, call your doctor immediately so they can check on their condition or give them an antibiotic prescription for treatment if necessary.
What are the Treatment Options?
There are several RSV treatments. The first are medications to help with symptoms which can be taken orally or by injection. Your doctor may recommend that you get IV fluids with electrolytes (such as glucose and potassium) to help keep your liver functioning normally.
Another option is oxygen therapy through a mask or nasal cannula; this is usually given until symptoms subside but should not be used if there’s a risk of breathing problems due to low levels of oxygen in the bloodstream because it could increase those risks instead!
If these treatments don’t work, hospitalization might be necessary; however, this isn’t always necessary as most people will recover within three days without needing any medical intervention!
How to Prevent RSV?
You can prevent RSV by:
Getting vaccinated. The vaccine is given to babies as young as six weeks old, and it is recommended that everyone over one-year-old get one too. There are different types of vaccines for different age groups, so you should check with your doctor or pediatrician before getting yours.
Avoiding sick people. Stay away from people who have RSV symptoms until they are feeling better—this could spread the virus further than necessary!
Washing hands frequently (including after using the bathroom). This is especially important if you have certain jobs like nursing or teaching where contact with others is unavoidable.
Take Action
RSV symptoms resemble the common cold: fever, body aches, and fatigue (though sometimes with more serious complications). Symptoms tend to get worse over several days until they disappear again within about two weeks; if the symptoms persist or worsen, visit Express Emergency Room Temple for assistance.