The past year has seen us bombarded with a lot of information about a virus most of us wish never existed. The pandemic continues to rage on and many continue to receive COVID-19 emergency care. This is very evident in any emergency room near you. In this article, we will consider the progression of the coronavirus symptoms. This has been made available courtesy of medical personnel treating people infected with COVID-19 in China. We will also look at available treatment options today.
The earliest symptoms that are usually discovered in most cases are fever and cough. These are often followed by symptoms such as a sore throat, headache, muscle aches and pain, nausea, or diarrhea. After infection, it takes about 4-5 days before the symptoms start to surface. In as many as 40% of COVID-19 cases, no symptoms are seen(asymptomatic). When the first symptoms start to show, go for COVID testing in Temple, TX at an ER near you.
Progression Of Coronavirus Symptoms Day By Day
On day 1, most people experience fever and cough. Some people have diarrhea and nausea before this and it may be a sign of a severe infection. By day 3, many of the hospitalized patients had developed pneumonia. It took. an average of three days for patients in Wenzhou to be admitted after the first symptoms showed up. By day 5, things took a turn for worse. It was particularly marked in older patients and those with pre-existing medical conditions as they started to have difficulty breathing. Day 7 was how long it took for patients in Wuhan to be admitted after their symptoms started. By day 8, patients with severe cases had already developed symptoms like shortness of breath and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome(ARDS). The latter is a fatal complication that requires intubation.
By day 9, some patients in Wuhan developed sepsis, an overwhelming infection due to an aggressive immune response. Days 10-11 saw patients with severe cases being admitted into the ICU(Intensive Care Unit). They tended to have more abdominal pain and loss of appetite than others. Day 12 was when some patients started to show signs of ARDS. On day 16, some patients saw their cough resolve. Day 17-21 saw mass recovery or deaths of the patients. Shortness of breath resolved on day 19 and patients in Wenzhou stayed an average of 27 days. All of them did not leave the hospital with all symptoms fully resolved. Some even reported lingering symptoms, up till months after discharge.
COVID-19 Treatment At Home
Many people do not have to be hospitalized for recovery after a positive result from the Express ER COVID testing. If your symptoms are mild enough to allow recovery at home, you must stay indoors at all times. Take your time to rest in bed. You will need a lot of fluids, so drink lots of water. Dehydration can make the symptoms worse. If your symptoms ever get worse, contact your emergency health care provider. Do not go to your doctor’s office without informing them first. This will allow them to prepare for your arrival.
How will you know if your symptoms are getting worse? Signs include pain/pressure in your chest, trouble breathing, confusion or severe drowsiness, and a blue tint to your lips or face. Get down to an ER near you right away. On the other hand, symptoms can get better. The CDC says that people who are self-isolating can stop under three conditions. First, there has been no fever for 3 days. Next, respiratory symptoms like coughing or difficulty breathing got better. Lastly, it has been 10 days since the first symptoms surfaced or you have had 2 negative COVID-19 tests 24 hours apart.
Most importantly, do all that is possible to avoid infecting others especially people aged over 65 and those with preexisting problems. You need a separate bedroom and bathroom if possible. Always cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue or your elbow. Wash your hands regularly and use a face mask. Do not share household items with others. Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces like doorknobs, counters, and tabletops regularly.
COVID-19 Treatment In The Hospital
A medical team will assess you. They will check your levels of oxygen saturation, listen to your lungs and conduct a COVID test. You will also get a chest X-ray or CT scan. If you have trouble breathing, you will get extra oxygen through two small tubes that go inside your nostrils. Severe cases require ventilators that take over breathing totally. Doctors will keep you hydrated with fluids. The antiviral Remdesivir is FDA approved for the treatment of patients over age 12. You will continue taking drugs to treat pre-existing illnesses.
Two drugs, casirivimab and imdevimab are FDA approved for high-risk patients to lower viral load. Dexamethasone is another drug that has shown promise in the fight against COVID-19.